Sunday, June 7, 2009

Must Reads

I know some of you may be like my Gary..not much on just sitting down to read a book, but what kind of friend would I be if I didn't let you all know about these two books? No other work of fiction has so touched my heart and soul. In fact while I was reading them, I kind of wished I could be the character in them. (my goodness, what a thought!). Now, before you say "I don't have time to read a book", let me tell you that they are only 100 pages long (OK, the second one "Day With A Perfect Stranger" has 101 pages). I read them in one sitting, passed them on to my sister-in-law, she did the same thing, one sitting.
I called my sister, told her about them and she went straight to Barnes and Nobles as soon as we finished talking.
Here's the 'clincher', Gary, who simply does not understand my love of books and how I can become so engrossed in one, has read BOTH of them today! If you don't want to purchase them, go to your local library and check them out, that's what I did, but now I'm going to buy them just so I'll have them to loan out to family and friends.
Go to Barnes and Nobles or Amazon on the internet and look them up, read the reviews. If you read the books, please let me know what you thought of them. I was truly BLESSED by them and I hope you will be also.

The background I used is by HBFIC "Good Friday" blogtrain.

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